W5YI will be at Hamvention May 20-22, Location 2306, 2406   Both Larry NB5X and Allan WB5QNG will be at the booth.

W5YI is now using Examtools for both in person and online exams.   If you wish to continue to give paper exam you will need to sign up with Examtools to be able to print the new 2022 Tech exams.    The older Hamexam software is written in VB6 which has not been supported By Microsoft for several years now.   W5YI has decided to use Examtools for all future exams.
Please consider using Examtools for you exams.  Examtools offers many advantages:
1. Even when giving paper exams examtools can grade your paper exams using gradecam.
2. We have a tablet configurations that enables you to use inexpensive Amazon Fire tablets to give exams.
3. You can use paper, laptops, tablets, smartphones, or desktops to give exams
4. Examtools generates all documentation for your exam session as well as a downloadable file for importing your session into the VEC databases.  This reduces the time from exam to export your session to the FCC to seconds vs minutes or days depending on the size of your session.  This also reduce errors.
5. We have training available for both CVE's and VE's in the use of Examtools.

For more information on using or to arrange a demo of Examtools contact Allan WB5QNG This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please use the W5YI Dropbox to send session files ( pdfs, .dat etc) to W5YI for processing.   This is much more secure than email.

We are working on updating the W5YI-VEC.org  website.   2 new links are available for CVEs to use.
orders.w5yi-vec.org/cvestatus.php   will show you all VE's that W5YI shows you have registered.   This is not a complete list since this is a new feature.   But if you have recently added VE's to you team this is how you can see when they have been accredited.
orders.w5yi-vec.org/vestatus.php will give you an count of the number of sessions W5YI has on record for you.

Thank you
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